Inquiry Case #2: Forest Biodiversity - UNIT 7
Holy smokes, it's the last week (Unit 7) of your Inquiry Case on Forest Biodiversity!
This week, you will revisit each of the community members you were introduced to in the past weeks to hear their perspectives on the development of campus natural areas while you will also continue to expand the number of ecological concepts you are familiar with to help you evaluate the planned development for some of the Guelph campus natural areas as you consider these questions.
- Should the field adjacent to the Dairy Bush be developed? How close to the Dairy Bush should the development be permitted? How is the Dairy Bush likely to be affected by additional development on it's north side? If the field is not developed but allowed to be "re-purposed" to forest - how will a nearly doubling in area likely affect the biodiversity of the Dairy Bush?
- Should Brown's Woods continue to be preserved even though it is now developed on all sides? Are there species here that are not represented in other woodlots? Is the social history alone sufficient to warrant it's preservation?
- What proportion of the biodiversity that you have observed in the North Campus Ravine is endemic to North America? What proportion is 'invasive' from Europe? Are there species present in the North Campus Ravine that are not represented in other woodlots? How large is the North Campus Ravine compared to other woodlots?
- How has the the development of the surrounding lands affecting the isolation of the Arboretum? How connected is the Arboretum to the other campus woodlots and natural areas? presence of the Arboretum affected scientific discoveries one campus? How has it affected the community and University through it's outreach program?
By the end of the unit - we hope you have developed an informed opinion regarding the development plans for your campus - and that you will let these opinions be heard during your time here.
Revisit Inquiry Case 2: Unit 4
Revisit Inquiry Case 2: Unit 5
Revisit Inquiry Case 2: Unit 6